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Chair of Operations Management
Prof. Dr. Grit Walther

Michael Wolff

Michael Wolff
Working at the Institute since December 2017
email protected

Office: 142
Kackertstr. 7
52072 Aachen

Office Hours
By appointment, registration via e-mail.


Research Focus

  • Supply Chain Design
  • Decision Support Systems



Advanced Planning in Production and Logistics - Concepts and Models
Project Course Sustainable Operations
Project Course Sustainable Operations
Supervision of scientific theses

Supervised theses

BTPotential analysis for the production of second generation biofuels
BTSupply chain design for renewable fuels
BTSupply chain network design for renewable fuels
BTTechno-economic potential analysis to produce renewable fuels under uncertainty
BTComparison of current modelling approaches for renewable power forecasting
MTAnalysis and optimisation of value networks for the production of renewable fuels
MTBio-hybrid fuel supply chain network design under uncertainty
MTEinsatz von multikriteriellen Optimierungsmethoden zur Analyse der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeitseigenschaften von globalen Produktionsnetzwerken
MTDevelopment of a multi-objective optimisation model for the strategic planning of sustainable supply networks
MTDevelopment of an supply chain optimization model for the production of electricity-based fuels
MTDevelopment of a stochastic optimization model for renewable fuel supply chains
MTMulti-objective optimization of a supply chain network for renewable fuels
MTComparative Life Cycle Assessment of conventional, fossil fuels and lowemission, methanol-based fuels
MTOptimisation of spatio-temporally resolved energy system models considering the future demand for liquid fuels
MTRobust optimization of renewable fuel supply chains.


Refereed journals

Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Linzenich, A.; Engelmann, L.; Arning, K.; Ziefle, M.; Walther, G. (2023): An Integrated Bi-Objective Optimization Model Accounting for the Social Acceptance of Renewable Fuel Production Networks In: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 315, Issue 1. DOI:

Linzenich, A.; Engelmann, L.; Arning, K.; Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G.; Ziefle, M. (2022): On the road to sustainable transport: Acceptance and preferences for renewable fuel production infrastructure In: Frontiers in Energy Research, Volume 10, Issue 989553. DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.989553

Wolff, M.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2022): Long-term design and analysis of renewable fuel supply chains – An integrated approach considering seasonal resource availability In: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 304, Issue 2, Pages 745-762. DOI:

Borning, M.; Doré, L.; Wolff, M.; Walter, J.; Becker, T.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2020): Opportunities and Challenges of Flexible Electricity-Based Fuel Production for the European Power System In: Sustainability, Volume 12, Issue 23, Pages 1-26. DOI:

Refereed articles in proceedings and anthologies

Borning, M.; Doré, L.; van Bracht, N.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2018): Electricity-Based Fuel Production: An Assessment of its Impact on the European Power System Considering Flexibility In: 2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Pages 1 - 5. DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2018.8469916

Poster-presentations (selection)

Linzenich, A.; Arning, K.; Engelmann, L.; Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G.; Ziefle, M. (2021): Bridging the Gap: Integrating Acceptance Into Fuel Supply Chain Optimization In: 9th International Conference Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion 2021, Aachen, June 22 to 24

Walter, J.; Manchanda, A.; Wolff, M.; Borning, M.; König, A.; Walther, G.; Mitsos, A.; Moser, A. (2021): Production Potentials of Biomass- and Electricity-Based Fuels in Europe under Uncertain Resource Availabilities In: 9th International Conference Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion 2021, Aachen, June 22 to 24

Wolff, M.; Becker, T.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2020): Planning Models for the Design of Bio-Hybrid Fuel Supply Chains In: Poster Abstract, 8th International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion”, Aachen, June 23 to 25

Walter, J.; Wolff, M.; Borning, M.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2020): Production Potential of Electricity-Based Fuels in Europe In: Poster Abstract, 8th International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion”, Aachen, June 23 to 25

Doré, L.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G. (2019): Optimal design of value chains for bio-hybrid fuels In: Poster Abstract, 7th International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion”, Aachen, May 13-15, 2019

Doré, L.; Borning, M.; Wolff, M.; van Bracht, N.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2018): Future demand for electricity-based fuels and its implications on the power system In: Poster Abstract, 6th International TMFB Conference, Aachen, June 19-21, 2018

Talks (selection)

Wolff, M.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2021): Strategic Supply Chain Design for Biohybrid Fuels Considering Renewable Resource Availability – A European Case Study. 9th International Conference Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion 2021, 22. June - 24. June 2021, Aachen, talk on 22. June 2021

Wolff, M.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2019): Optimal design and operation of renewable fuel supply chains. International Annual Conference of the German OR Society 2019, 03. September - 06. September 2019, Dresden

Wolff, M.; Doré, L.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2019): Strategisch-operative Planung von Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken zur Herstellung bio-hybrider Kraftstoffe. 8. Statuskonferenz Energetische Biomassenutzung, 17. September - 18. September 2019, Leipzig

Borning, M.; Doré, L.; van Bracht, N.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2019): Electricity-Based Fuel Production: An Assessment of its Impact on the European Power System Considering Flexibility. 7th International Conference “Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion", 13. May - 15. May 2019, Aachen, talk on 13. May 2019

Borning, M.; Doré, L.; van Bracht, N.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2018): Electricity-Based Fuel Production: An Assessment of its Impact on the European Power System Considering Flexibility. 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 27. June - 29. June 2018, Lodz, talk on 29. June 2018