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Chair of Operations Management
Prof. Dr. Grit Walther

Julia Schleier

Julia Schleier
Working at the Institute since November 2018
email protected
+49 241 80 99516

Office: 149
Kackertstr. 7
52072 Aachen

Office Hours
By appointment, registration via e-mail.

Research Focus

  • Sustainable Supply Chains
  • Circular Economy
  • Chemical Recycling of Plastics



  • SCI4climate.NRW
    Funding: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia



Project Module: Operations Management
Production and Logistics
Production and Logistics
Production and Logistics
Production and Logistics
Project Module: Sustainable Operations
Mentoring of students in the context of scientific theses


Supervised theses

BTImplementation of a flow oriented manufacturing line for mist eliminators in a conventional job shop environment for the joint venture of RPT GmbH and Evergreen Technologies
BTPlastics in the Automotive Industry – An analysis of the capability of innovative measures in a circular economy to close material cycles in Germany
BTEnvironmental Assessment of Alternative Recycling Options for EPS from External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems
BTEcological assessment of alternativ recycling paths for EPS-based thermal insulation composite systems
MTDevelopment and Implementation of a Job Scheduling System to Optimize Production Planning in a Research-Related Environment
MTIntegrative ecological and economic evaluation of selected chemical recycling processes for plastic waste
MTModelling and analysis of the economic viability of agrivoltaic concepts concerning the use case Germany
MTMulti-criteria Optimization of a Reverse Logistics System for EPS from ETICS
MTPotenzialanalyse einer zirkularen Wertschöpfungskette für den Grundstoff Zement in der Bauindustrie in Nordrhein-Westfalen
MTSocioeconomic and environmental assessment of sustainable plastic waste management based on a Cambodian case study
MTTechno-economic analysis of chemical recycling of mattresses – opportunities and challenges for Germany’s circular economy
MTVoraussetzungen für die Implementierung einer Circular Economy – Eine Anforderungsanalyse im Kontext der Automobilindustrie


Refereed journals

Schleier, J.; Walther, G. (2024): Strategic Network Design for Recycling of EPS Insulation Material - Insights from a German Case Study In: International Journal of Production Research. DOI:

Merchan, A.L.; Fischöder, T.; Hee, J.; Lehnertz, M.; Osterthun, O.; Pielsticker, S.; Schleier, J.; Tiso, T.; Blank, L.; Klankermeyer, J.; Kneer, R.; Quicker, P.; Walther, G.; Palkovits, R. (2022): Chemical recycling of bioplastics: technical opportunities to preserve chemical functionality as path towards a circular economy In: Green Chemistry, Volume 24, Issue 24, Pages 9428-9449. DOI:

Schleier, J.; Simons, M.; Greiff, K.; Walther, G. (2022): End-of-Life treatment of EPS-based building insulation material - An estimation of future waste and review of treatment options In: Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 187, Pages 106603. DOI:

Talks (selection)

Schleier, J.; Walther, G. (2023): Designing reverse logistic networks for expanded polystyrene waste from building insulation. Annual conference of the Society for Operations Research in Germany (GOR e.V.), 29. August - 01. September 2023, Hamburg, talk on 01. September 2023

Schleier, J.; Simons, M.; Greiff, K.; Walther, G. (2021): Economic Optimization and Analysis of Reverse Logistics Systems for EPS from ETICS. 3rd Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains, 22. July - 23. July 2021, Virtual