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Chair of Operations Management
Prof. Dr. Grit Walther

Simon Thomä

Simon Thomä
Working at the Institute since January 2021
email protected
tel. no.: +49 241 80 23842

Room: 162
Kackertstr. 7
52072 Aachen

Office Hours
By appointment, registration via e-mail.

Research Focus

  • Robust Optimisation
  • Optimisation of Sustainable Supply Chains


Advanced Planning in Production and Logistics - Application and Implementation
Supervision of scientific theses


Supervised theses

BTData driven evaluation of risk drivers for an automotive supplier
BTDesign of a brewery supply chain under uncertainty
BTPlanning of Supply Chains for Extreme Weather Events
BTPlanning of Emergency Supply Chains Against Extreme Weather Events with a Focus on Water Supply in the Region of Aachen
BTSupplier Relationship Management System – a strategic analysis of the current market situation in the context of modern requirements in order management
MTAnalysis of relevant Features and Benchmarking of Forecasting Techniques for Inventory Prediction in the Semiconductor Manufacturer’s Supply Chain
MTEinfluss der Risikoeinstellung auf die optimale Standortplanung unter Berücksichtigung von Ausfällen
MTDevelopment of a decision support system for infrastructure design for deposit systems
MTDesign of parameterizable multicriteria optimization algorithms for levelized patterns
MTDesign of a biofuel supply chain under uncertainty


Refereed journals

Thomä, S.; Walther, G.; Schiffer, M. (2024): Designing Tractable Piecewise Affine Policies for Multi-Stage Adjustable Robust Optimization In: Mathematical Programming. DOI: