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Chair of Operations Management
Prof. Dr. Grit Walther

Stephan Bogs

Stephan Bogs
Working at the Institute since October 2022
email protected
tel. no.: +49 241 80 23833

Room: 143
Kackertstr. 7
52072 Aachen

Office Hours
By appointment, registration via e-mail.

Research Focus

  • Mathematical Optimization
  • Sustainable Supply Chains
  • Optimization of Gas Networks under Uncertainty





Production Planning in the Automotive Industry
Production Planning in the Automotive Industry
Project module Operations Management
Supervision of scientific theses


Supervised theses

BTAlgorithms for pipeline networks
MTDevelopment of a decision support system for infrastructure design for deposit systems
MTDevelopment of a Decision Support System for the Planning of Hydrogen Pipeline Networks
MTFramework for assisted development and extension of optimization models using generative artificial intelligence


Talks (selection)

Bogs, S.; Abdelshafy, A.; Yeates, C.; Walther, G. (2023): Planning of CO2 Pipeline Networks under Uncertainty with Extended Scenario Analysis. Logistikmanagement-Tagung LM 2023, 13. September - 14. September 2023, Dresden, talk on 13. September 2023

Bogs, S.; Rütt, J.; Walther, G. (2023): Teaching an OR sustainability case study with complex data on different academic levels: challenges and solutions. Annual conference of the Society for Operations Research in Germany, 29. August - 01. September 2023, Hamburg, talk on 31. August 2023